Monday, June 20, 2011

Beard of the Week

This week’s award is a bit of a somber one. Early this morning Ryan Dunn, of “Jackass” fame, was confirmed dead after being involved in a car accident in Chester County, PA. Considering the fact that I am currently in Chester County, not to mention that he sported a mighty fine beard, it just seemed right to honor Ryan with Beard of the Week. RIP, Mr. Dunn.

Side Note: If the rumors are true and this is all an elaborate “Jackass” prank, the award will obviously be revoked. That’s just not right.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Beards & Bras

Hello again, Beard Talk Followers.

Today, I had a realization: The beard is the male version of the push-up bra.

A beard can add much to a man's style and personality, but once shaved, a plain-faced, less-than-rugged boy is often exposed...leaving a disappointed woman in his midst. Men, don't let us down. We know it's hot out, but without your beard, you're an A cup who will never again be mistaken for a C. Just something to think about.

Monday, May 23, 2011

World Beard and Moustache Championships

Literally stumbledupon this website. Weird, because I'm pretty sure I did not include facial hair in my list of interests.

Who knew such a competition even existed? Next year we'll be sure to send a correspondent

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Swedish Beards!

In honor of the great state of Minnesota and me being one of the only non-swedes I give you SWEDISH BEARDS!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Beard Poems

Found this little picture and thought it was very appropriate for the blog... obviously! ENJOY!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beard of the Week/Vocabulary Lesson

I've been exposed to some pretty fabulous beards in the past few weeks. A recent trip to the windy city provided at least 3 viable options (if you count a lion as a legitimate contender, and I do). This made the beard of the week selection this time around extremely difficult.

However, in the end I had to go with a truly unique individual and my all-time favorite artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Although it's not his most famous work of art, Van Gogh's self-portrait in the Art Institute of Chicago tells a lot about him, namely that he rocked a pretty sweet ginger beard. And although some fellow bloggers may disagree, I say that gingers need love too. Although it's possible he only painted it in to distract from the hole in his head left by the ear he cut off, in pictures the beard is kind of awesome.

Fun fact:

Stumbled upon the word Pogonophobia in a book the other day. It refers to the fear of beards.

Although at first I thought this was a ridiculous phobia, after doing some research I've got to admit the Pogonophobes have got a point. Key argument: beards are unclean. Just one more reason to keep your beards well-maintained, fellas.

I also found this interesting statistic on a Pogonophobia self-help site:

“In a recent survey, 9 out of 10 women reported preferring clean-shaven men to bearded men.”

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Battle of the Beards

This is pretty simple but I thought it was important for the blog to acknowledge beards in all media. And this Ford commercial is chock full o'beards!



Friday, April 22, 2011

Beard of the Week

I was playing construction site with the four-year-old I babysit when I came across this gem. Never in my life have I seen a lego man with a beard. And it's not just painted on, it's 3 dimensional. It even moves back and forth. Although it's a bit unorthodox, this award is totally subjective and his is by far the most impressive beard I've seen this week. I just wish the picture could do it justice.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beard of the Week

In the next two weeks I have three papers due, two final exams, a quiz, and a group presentation. Not to mention I need to find a new place to live and figure out what I'm doing for the summer. My typical course of action when I have a million things to do is to clean my house, but I did that yesterday, so today we get a new beard of the week.

I don't know how I've refrained from doing this one for so long. He's been my number one man for years, with or without a beard. He's an Academy Award nominated actor, an Ivy League scholar, and he's got a great beard to boot. This week's beard of the week is Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake's one of those rare men that looks fantastic no matter what his facial hair situation.

Jake's top three accomplishments: Bubble Boy, Brokeback Mountain, Beautiful Beard. Congrats, man.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beard Tax?

While beards to day are freely grown my men willing to take the challenge, this was not always the case. I wanted to share with you a little history of the cost of growing a beard.

In Russia
In 1705, Emperor Peter I of Russia instituted a beard tax. Those who paid the tax were required to carry a "beard token". This was a copper or silver token with a Russian Eagle on one side and on the other, the lower part of a face with nose, mouth, whiskers, and beard. It was inscribed with two phrases: "the beard tax has been taken" and "the beard is a superfluous burden"


In England
In 1535, King Henry VIII of England, who wore a beard himself, introduced a tax on beards. The tax was a graduated tax, varying with the wearer's social position. His daughter, Elizabeth I of England, reintroduced the beard tax, taxing every beard of more than two-weeks growth.

I just stubbled upon this great information and thought I would share... enjoy!:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Beard of the Week

Alright folks, I know I've been on a bit of a hiatus with the beard of the week but I am back and truly inspired. This time we've got three styles for the price of one, so it makes up for all the weeks I've missed. This week's winner is the lovely Ryan Gosling. He's experimented with all types of facial hair, and I beleive he hasn't yet gone wrong. You know it's a good beard because blonde facial hair ususally freaks me out, but I'm oddly ok with his. I can even handle the child molester mustache he sometimes rocks. Whether it be long, short, full, or 'stached, you can't deny that Mr. Ryan Gosling has got some mighty fine facial hair.

Beards with Babies

Brad Pitt and David Beckham
Two wicked hot dads with beards

A fellow blogger and I were recently at a mall here in Pittsburgh, aimlessly shopping along we spot a hot young dad (aka a DILF) and his young daughter, we note how adorable they are, notice that the dad has a pretty nice looking beard and keep on shopping (there was mission at hand here people!). Then we see another young dad and his adorable daughter and that dad has a beard as well and he's wicked hot too!

I myself am all about patterns and signs and such so seeing two hot young dad's with beards and adorable daughters equates to one thing for me... Dad's with beards are totally hot! They have the sexy facial hair going for them, they are young, usually pretty well dressed and they have cute children! As a fellow blogger notes on a continuous basis, men with beards are hot because you know they can make a long term commitment hence the beard and the maintenance involved. At first I thought this theory was... shall we say flawed but more and more I am starting to believe it! At least believe it at face value.

So men, this week's advice from me is to keep that beard up and treat your woman or man right! And if you are sans beard and sans partner... You best get a beard so you can get yo freak on!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello, and the meaning behind "GroomedNStyled"

Hello, or as the Romanians say: Buna.

My name is GroomedNStyled and I've been a member in hiding for quite some time. I can't promise quantity on this blog, but what I can promise is quality.

Speaking of quality, let's move to the name. GroomedNStyled refers not only to beards, but also the attire of those who sport them. Does a beard need grooming? least after mealtime. The occasional styling? Maybe...but in my book, less is more. Regularly maintained or not, however, a beard loses its character when the style below it doesn't complement.

Each time you see a GroomedNStyled blog, you will learn one rule from the female perspective regarding appropriate attire for bearded and non-bearded men of a certain age. Today's rule: NIX the POPPED COLLAR.

Spring is here, and I can already anticipate 20-something "men" feeling giddy with excitement in preparation to break out those polos. My advice? If you must wear them, do so as RL planned it - folded.

My Southern blogger counterparts may disagree, but the popped collar, whether of the neon pink or the more traditional version, is never a good frame for your mane. If you must don the collar, take a tip from Chuck: let it ride folded, with confidence, and allow it to pop a swedge only when you're performing your own stunts. (Beard Talk Brownie Points goes out to the person who guesses next week's tip related to this photo.)


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Minnesota= Beard-tastic!

I recently went back home to Minnesota for spring break and I realized something... Minneapolis is not only the home to a large hipster population but home to many beards and various styles and amounts of facial hair!

At my favorite record store of all time, The Electric Fetus is home to some much local music, bongs and the smell of incense but they also have various different displays of whats "happening" in MN at the time and this month the theme is Mustaches!! Ok, I know this is not beards but it is facial hair and some women might love them some mustaches and I don't want to neglect possible mustached readers!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bearded Friends

Hello all!

Sorry for the neglect blog readers but between midterms and a much needed trip back home to Minnesota I have gotten lazy! But, at the same time I have been keeping track of my ideas for the blog! So let's get started!

I have recently observed that bearded fellas usually have bearded friends as well and that there is a pattern arising as well! On the bus (per the usual for me) I observed two bearded friends chatting and having a joyous time. They were also very similar in beard size/length, which was short. I thought nothing of it at first until I saw a another two bearded friends and their beards were also really similar in length but longer this time.

Something like this can't be coincidence so I have decided something I personally consider to be epic! Little beards are friends with other little beards and big beards are friends with other big beards and medium beards are "beard mixers" aka they can be friends with all beards.

Now, I understand that this statement is not true for all bearded friends but I think there is something to be said for groups of friends who all grow beards and how they all seem to have similar beards!

More thoughts to come soon!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Live from New Orleans

Its been a crazy few days down here in New Orleans LA... but many fine beards have been spotted.  On that note, I want to just point out some highlights.

I have been impressed to hear that while boys in Pittsburgh seem to have limited maintenance routines the fellas we have encountered here have stated they both shampoo and condition, as well as have trimming kits. 

These beards are strokeable. This is the best quality in a beard, and lets be real here for a moment, beards want to be stroked. 

While this is short and poorly written, I felt as though it needed to be said. more photos coming soon from the beard encounters of Mari Gras

Happy Fat Tuesday! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fantastic Beards and Where to Find Them

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but beards seem to travel in packs. Or at least congregate in the same places. Pittsburgh seems to be a big city for beards in general. Maybe it's all the cold weather? The rain? The proximity to mountains? Or maybe it's just that I've only become attuned to the presence of a fine beard since moving to Pittsburgh. Whatever the reason, I've noticed that there are definitely certain places where you are sure to encounter a nice selection of beards. Therefore, I've decided to start compiling a list of the best locations to discover beards around the city. If you go to one of these places, I can't promise you will spot a beard that suits you, but you will most assuredly find a beard or two.

Hemingways Cafe
The Library (the bar, not the place of study)
Trader Joes (It might actually be part of the uniform)
The Cathedral of Learning
William Penn Tavern
The 71A (we've already blogged about it twice)
Schenley park
On a bike
Any bar when a hockey game is on

That's all I've got for now, suggestions for additions are highly encouraged.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Women Who Love Beards and the Men Who Grow Them- Beard Maintenance

Beard Maintenance.

Since beginning the survey, I am shocked and disturbed at the number of gentlemen with beards who seem to have no maintenance routine. I was honestly expecting to hear specific shampoos used, the owning of a comb and shears to trim, and a shaving routing to keep all the hairs in line so that a bridge was not built between the beard and the chest. I feel as though, while many of the beards were nice, appeared to be strokeable and  free of food particles and smells, they were not meeting their full potential. 

As a result, I have done some research, to help get out information for good beard maintenance, and here it is.

Once your beard begins to take shape you should purchase the following.

1. A Mild Shampoo
2. A beard trimming kit. 

While the featured kit consist of an electric trimmer, it is not required. At the very minimum you should include a pair of trimming scissors and basic razor to keep things tidy.

While this may seem trivial to some, the ladies do notice.

Beard of the Week

This week's beard of the week is one that the world may have to learn to live without. Earlier this week, Brett Keisel (the Steeler's beard to be feared) shaved off his lovely locks for charity. Although it has left us for the time being, this beard rocked and deserves this award now more than ever. Steelers fans and facial hair enthusiasts all over the world are in mourning. Who will even remember the Superbowl after a loss such as this?

Side note: He's kind of good looking sans beard, no?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"It Was The Beard of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times"

This week I wanted to share with everyone a touching story of a man and his beard. I asked a friend of mine to write about his love for his beard and the tragic loss of his beard. I hope you are as moved as I was.


"It Was The Beard of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times" 

When I hear the word beard,words like horror, inequality, prejudice, and nostalgia flood my mind. One might ask, “how could such an amazing word such as a beard have that effect?” Well simply put: Beard-ism. Beard-ism as defined by the brotherhood of former beard wearers, is unwanted prejudice towards men with thick, illustrious beards. I am a victim of Beard-ism. As a 21 year old man, I struggled for the greater portion of my life to nurture a thick, beautiful, soft, sexually appealing beard. Looking up to those around me with immaculate beards. I imitated them, admired them, I wanted to be them. However as the heavens so rarely do,they shined their light upon me and blessed me with the ability. I had the beard I'd always wanted. To top it all off, it was red, showing off my deep Irish heritage. Nothing could stop me now, I had the three B's; Beard, Brains, and Balls. I got complements regularly on my amazing beard-age. My beard made me infinitely more attractive to women, it made me appear smart, thoughtful and versed. I loved my beard. I combed and shampooed it everyday. Sometimes I went on walks just to give my beard fresh air. My beard wasn't just hair on my face, it was an appendage. Part of my ever-evolving identity.

So I guess now is the part in the story where I explain how I encountered Beard-ism. Let me start by establishing a few fundamental elements. I am no longer attractive to women, I no longer appear Intelligent, or thoughtful, or versed. I no longer buy shampoo for my beard, I gave my coveted beard comb away. I am an amputee. Why you ask? Well as a transferring Junior in college, I needed a new job. Campus jobs were filled, so I had to look elsewhere. I walked into a well known Sub Shop to apply. The manager, loved my personality and hired me on the spot. After being hired, I stood in the lobby going over the details with my new manager. Wearing an old ratty punk rock shirt, cut off dress slack shorts, 5 year old converse, and tattoo's all over my left arm, I stood waiting to be told, I'd have to wear pants, and long sleeves. What I got was exponentially worse and horribly unexpected. He said, “You're going to have to knock that beard off.” Still in shock form this statement, I shook his hand and accepted the job. I walked to my old Mini-Van, got in, lit a cigarette, and then it hit me... I had to kill my baby. I went through the normal stages of grief. I thought to myself, I can just not shave, he won't notice. Then I got depressed, I bargained with myself; “you can make it with no money, at least you'll have your beard.” Then, I got angry. I thought this is discrimination. This is America for Christ's sake, if I want a beard I have the right to have one, MY BEARD HAS FEELINGS TOO! At that moment I knew I had been the victim of unspeakable abuses. So like any other normal American, I took to the internet to find others who had suffered under the same oppression I was currently dealing with. That's when I discovered I had been the victim of Beard-ism. 

I'm not sure if my life will ever return to the way it was before that unforgettable day. Although as long as I have the right to freedom of expression, I will fight for Beard Rights. One would think that in a society where, gay sex with boys, gets swept under the rug, that a lowly Sub Shop worker could have a beard. As for me, now, I have a dream. A dream that one day, I will again walk the city streets of Charlotte North Carolina, Bearded and Proud! I will never give up hope! 

Remember folks, in bad cases... Beard-ism kills.

Joshua Haney

Thursday, February 17, 2011

StraightUp's Thoughts of Thursday

Hey all,

Since today was such a BEYOND beautiful day in the city of Pittsburgh and the weather made me extremely happy something sad came to mind as well.
I thought I would share with you all and maybe others have some thoughts on this:

Since the weather is getting warmer and more gorgeous, what happens to the beards?! There are definitely a number of guys who keep their beards all year round but some shave the beard as soon as it gets all hot and sweaty out and I don't blame them, because who really wants to see a sweaty, dripping wet beard, right? Well, I certainly don't! I can only imagine the hours of therapy i would need after that horrifying image!

We beard observers, admirers or lovers may very soon have to live in a world where the beard is gone for an extended vacation, we must ask ourselves... Is this a world we want to live in?


StraightUp's How To's

This week's How To is fitting for those of us who ride the bus regularly or just like to check out a nice beard!
Here are some tips for those of us who feel the need to get our creep on for the cause of a rockin' beard but who do not feel the need to actually be a creep or be caught in an awkward moment in public domains!

How To: Stare at a magnificent beard with out getting caught!

1. Place yourself in a position where they are already in your eyesight- makes creepin' easier and also so you don't strain any neck or eye muscles! Keep it safe peeps!

2. If you are in class with a magnificent beard, situate yourself in class where the beard and your professor are in similar viewing range so it looks like your totally paying attention but really your staring with the best of them! This could be very tricky but the beard might be worth it so work your brainy magic!

3. When checking out a beard that is right in front of you, don't just flat our stare! You gotta have some finesse and just look up periodically. So, pretend your looking at something to the side and then when you turn your head back around, LOOK! (I pulled one of these today, and it was successful! Not to mention, uber classy.)

4. On the other hand though, if the beard you are witnessing is just too damn good to be subtle about, then stare your heart out! But you realize, that if you choose this option, you also have two sub-options because the reality is, is that you may get caught!
Sub-option #1- Stare and own it ya big 'ol beard lova! If you have the cojones (yeah I went there) to outright stare, then you should be prepared for the possible consequences. Like, the beard could call you out and it could be super embarrassing! Such is life my fellow beard admirers.
Sub-option #2- If you get caught staring, then smile (not too creepy though! Damn!) and start gettin' your mack on! Obviously you think this beard is attractive or at least impressive enough to stare at, so why not start giving this beard your old standbys; hair tossing, silly little laugh, crossing your leg next to his, whatever floats your boat.

Well, that's all I got at the moment but I appreciate all other ideas and comments so share! And remember to stare at them beards cause they be sexy!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Grow a Beard

If only it were this easy.

For all you beard lovers I came upon this wonderful website and just had to share.

enjoy, its full of wonderful information!

Blinded by the Beard

I’ll start by apologizing for a second post about a beard on a bus, but I had a critical experience on my way to class the other day.

It all started as we pulled to a stop and out of the window I spied a beautiful head of shaggy, curly hair. As he ascended the steps I caught a glimpse of a beautiful beard and my heart went pitter-patter. Finally the crucial moment came, we made eye contact as he walked down the aisle towards me…and I realized he wasn’t actually that cute. The hair and beard were on point, but the face was…lacking a certain something.

This brings me to a crucial question: Can a beautiful beard make up for a subpar face? It’s a well-known fact that there are some guys that should always have a beard. But what happens when even a beard doesn’t quite mask an unattractive face? Can we simply look to the beard and mop of curls and call a man attractive? Or are there some things that even a beard can't fix?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beard(s) of the Week

They're the beards everyone is talking about. In the past few months they've had a number 1 song on the Billboard Alternative chart, been nominated for two Grammys, and performed alongside the legendary Bob Dylan on the Grammy stage. They may not have won the "Best New Artist" award last night, but hey, neither did Justin Bieber. This week's Beard of the Week goes out to Mumford and Sons. With facial hair as captivating as their music, these boys are taking America by storm.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

StraightUpBeards Weekly Update

For my first posting I thought I would share a story of a young bearded fellow I recently saw on the bus.
As Asher Roth once stated with deep thought and elegance, "If everyone would please put their drink as high as they can, as high as they can and repeat after me chug! chug! chug! chug!...," and now I am asking all the bearded fellas to please put their beards in the air as high as they can, as high as they can... but don't chug your beard... you need that to survive! Anyways, one early morning on the 71A I noticed a particularly lovely beard sitting across the aisle from me. I mean, this was a NICE beard. Well maintained and a nice strawberry blonde color... and no, I didn't not get caught staring thank you very much!
Long story short, this bearded fella kept putting his hand over his beard on and off as the bus ride went on and then his eyes became very... shifty. Seeing as I don't know this person, there could have been a whole host of reasons why he was covering his beard with his hand. What I concluded was that maybe he was covering his beard because he was ashamed of it! My first thought was WHY WOULD YOU BE ASHAMED OF THAT MAGNIFICENT FLOW OF HAIR?! But really, to each is own and who knows why this shifty eyed bearded man was so very shifty.
In conclusion, I encourage all bearded ones and future bearded ones to be proud of their beards whatever shape they are in, whatever color or size because let's face it bearded men... women dig that beard your rocking so rock it like no one has ever rocked it before!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Facial Hair Types

So this is totally stolen off of someone else's blog, but i figure it's worth reposting. My personal favorites are the Short Boxed Beard and the Hollywoodian, but I've got to admit the Dali has always intrigued me. Other thoughts?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beard of the Week

Hello ladies (and gents, if there are any of you out there). As much as I have been enjoying the posts of my fellow blogger Beardlover, I am going to have to respectfully disagree with her on one point: Brad Pitt can pull off a beard. Brad Pitt can do whatever the hell he wants.

In light of this, I think this is the perfect time to introduce a new section of the blog, entitled "Beard of the Week". This honor goes to the beard that I feel is most deserving each week. It will generally be given to a celebrity, unless some layman is able to really impress me with his facial hair.

The beard I've chosen to start us off is one of my first loves. Back in the dark ages when beards were ugly (aka, my childhood), this beard was able to make me weak in the knees, and its only getting better with age.

This one's for you, Brad.

Women Who Love Beards, and The Men That Grow Them- Celebrities With Beards

So this will be the first installment of the ongoing section called "Women Who Love Beards, and The Men That Grow Them". Today the focus will be upon celebrity men who have beards. 

I feel it is important to first discuss the 3 types of men.

1. Men who cannot sport a beard.
2. Men who should always sport a beard.
3. Men who look good with and without a beard. 

As we all know, the third group is the most rare of men and the most valued in the beard world. 

First lets look at some celebrities who have grown beards in the past, but should always keep their face smooth.
1. Brad Pitt. 
2. Pierce Brosnan
3.David Letterman
4.David Duchovny
5.Keanu Reeves

Celebrities who should ALWAYS have a beard.
1.Zack Galifinakis 
2.Bradley Cooper
3.Ryan Dunn
4.Hugh Jackman
5.Gerard Butler

Celebrities who look good with/without the beard.
1. Jake Gyllenhaal
2. David Beckam
3. Viggo Mortensen
4. Jeff Bridges
5. Jared Leto
6. Ben Afleck

While obviously there are plenty more celebrities who have beards, and everyone has an opinion where they go, these are just a few of mine. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

the survey

So, many of us ladies are curious about beards. While we are able to admire them upon the faces of many men, we are unable to fully understand what all goes into having a beard. So as a group we have decided to create a survey so we may obtain further knowledge upon beards. Here are some questions we developed... if you have any other question suggestions please let us know! We will be beginning the survey in the next 2 weeks:)

Basic Beard Info.
1. How long have you had your current beard?
2. How long did it take you to grow your beard?
3. When was the first time you grew your beard?
4. What is the longest length your beard has ever reached?
5. Does anyone in your family have a beard?

Out of Curiosity...
6. Has anyone ever asked you to shave your beard?
7. When you are clean shaved, has anyone ever told you that you needed to re-grow your beard?
8. Why did you initially decide to grow a beard? (No-shavember? Laziness? Bad skin?)
9. What is your maintenance routine?
10. What is the funniest object caught in beard?
11. Have you ever closed your beard in a door?
12. Does having a beard effect G.T.L.?
13. (this is an important one Gents) Does your beard maintenance reflect how tidy you are below the belt?
14. Does it ever bug you?
15.Does it make you feel more manly?
16. Have you ever knowingly gotten laid because of your beard?

Lifestyle Questions
17. Favorite Music?
18. Do you play an instrument?
19. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
20. Do you like the outdoors?
21. Longest committed relationship?
22. Alcoholic beverage of choice?
23. Hometown?
24. Age?

"Fear the Beard"

Although the Steelers may have lost tonight, and the beard has been rumored to be soon trimmed, if not lost forever (per his wife's request) we must always, fear the beard.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


this is a blog dedicated to beards, and fella's that sport them.
there will be several contributors to the blog, and we will begin regular post within the week.
stay tuned!
