Thursday, February 17, 2011

StraightUp's Thoughts of Thursday

Hey all,

Since today was such a BEYOND beautiful day in the city of Pittsburgh and the weather made me extremely happy something sad came to mind as well.
I thought I would share with you all and maybe others have some thoughts on this:

Since the weather is getting warmer and more gorgeous, what happens to the beards?! There are definitely a number of guys who keep their beards all year round but some shave the beard as soon as it gets all hot and sweaty out and I don't blame them, because who really wants to see a sweaty, dripping wet beard, right? Well, I certainly don't! I can only imagine the hours of therapy i would need after that horrifying image!

We beard observers, admirers or lovers may very soon have to live in a world where the beard is gone for an extended vacation, we must ask ourselves... Is this a world we want to live in?



  1. I'm not too worried, all the best beards stick around through the year. If a guy shaves his beard at the first sign of warm weather, what does that say about his commmittment? I'm not interested in a fair-weather (or i suppose in this case cold-weather) beard anyway.

  2. Excellent point, but I also have to say that I do not count on a beard to fully give me the whole story on a guy's commitment capabilities.
