Thursday, February 17, 2011

StraightUp's How To's

This week's How To is fitting for those of us who ride the bus regularly or just like to check out a nice beard!
Here are some tips for those of us who feel the need to get our creep on for the cause of a rockin' beard but who do not feel the need to actually be a creep or be caught in an awkward moment in public domains!

How To: Stare at a magnificent beard with out getting caught!

1. Place yourself in a position where they are already in your eyesight- makes creepin' easier and also so you don't strain any neck or eye muscles! Keep it safe peeps!

2. If you are in class with a magnificent beard, situate yourself in class where the beard and your professor are in similar viewing range so it looks like your totally paying attention but really your staring with the best of them! This could be very tricky but the beard might be worth it so work your brainy magic!

3. When checking out a beard that is right in front of you, don't just flat our stare! You gotta have some finesse and just look up periodically. So, pretend your looking at something to the side and then when you turn your head back around, LOOK! (I pulled one of these today, and it was successful! Not to mention, uber classy.)

4. On the other hand though, if the beard you are witnessing is just too damn good to be subtle about, then stare your heart out! But you realize, that if you choose this option, you also have two sub-options because the reality is, is that you may get caught!
Sub-option #1- Stare and own it ya big 'ol beard lova! If you have the cojones (yeah I went there) to outright stare, then you should be prepared for the possible consequences. Like, the beard could call you out and it could be super embarrassing! Such is life my fellow beard admirers.
Sub-option #2- If you get caught staring, then smile (not too creepy though! Damn!) and start gettin' your mack on! Obviously you think this beard is attractive or at least impressive enough to stare at, so why not start giving this beard your old standbys; hair tossing, silly little laugh, crossing your leg next to his, whatever floats your boat.

Well, that's all I got at the moment but I appreciate all other ideas and comments so share! And remember to stare at them beards cause they be sexy!


1 comment:

  1. 4.
    Sub-Option 3: Stare. Get caught. Tell him you have a beard blog, would he like to fill out a survey?
