Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blinded by the Beard

I’ll start by apologizing for a second post about a beard on a bus, but I had a critical experience on my way to class the other day.

It all started as we pulled to a stop and out of the window I spied a beautiful head of shaggy, curly hair. As he ascended the steps I caught a glimpse of a beautiful beard and my heart went pitter-patter. Finally the crucial moment came, we made eye contact as he walked down the aisle towards me…and I realized he wasn’t actually that cute. The hair and beard were on point, but the face was…lacking a certain something.

This brings me to a crucial question: Can a beautiful beard make up for a subpar face? It’s a well-known fact that there are some guys that should always have a beard. But what happens when even a beard doesn’t quite mask an unattractive face? Can we simply look to the beard and mop of curls and call a man attractive? Or are there some things that even a beard can't fix?

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