Monday, March 28, 2011

Beards with Babies

Brad Pitt and David Beckham
Two wicked hot dads with beards

A fellow blogger and I were recently at a mall here in Pittsburgh, aimlessly shopping along we spot a hot young dad (aka a DILF) and his young daughter, we note how adorable they are, notice that the dad has a pretty nice looking beard and keep on shopping (there was mission at hand here people!). Then we see another young dad and his adorable daughter and that dad has a beard as well and he's wicked hot too!

I myself am all about patterns and signs and such so seeing two hot young dad's with beards and adorable daughters equates to one thing for me... Dad's with beards are totally hot! They have the sexy facial hair going for them, they are young, usually pretty well dressed and they have cute children! As a fellow blogger notes on a continuous basis, men with beards are hot because you know they can make a long term commitment hence the beard and the maintenance involved. At first I thought this theory was... shall we say flawed but more and more I am starting to believe it! At least believe it at face value.

So men, this week's advice from me is to keep that beard up and treat your woman or man right! And if you are sans beard and sans partner... You best get a beard so you can get yo freak on!

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