Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello, and the meaning behind "GroomedNStyled"

Hello, or as the Romanians say: Buna.

My name is GroomedNStyled and I've been a member in hiding for quite some time. I can't promise quantity on this blog, but what I can promise is quality.

Speaking of quality, let's move to the name. GroomedNStyled refers not only to beards, but also the attire of those who sport them. Does a beard need grooming? least after mealtime. The occasional styling? Maybe...but in my book, less is more. Regularly maintained or not, however, a beard loses its character when the style below it doesn't complement.

Each time you see a GroomedNStyled blog, you will learn one rule from the female perspective regarding appropriate attire for bearded and non-bearded men of a certain age. Today's rule: NIX the POPPED COLLAR.

Spring is here, and I can already anticipate 20-something "men" feeling giddy with excitement in preparation to break out those polos. My advice? If you must wear them, do so as RL planned it - folded.

My Southern blogger counterparts may disagree, but the popped collar, whether of the neon pink or the more traditional version, is never a good frame for your mane. If you must don the collar, take a tip from Chuck: let it ride folded, with confidence, and allow it to pop a swedge only when you're performing your own stunts. (Beard Talk Brownie Points goes out to the person who guesses next week's tip related to this photo.)


1 comment:

  1. Is next week no denim vests? No visible chest hair??

    Also, I'm confused on the pronunciation of swedge, could you spell it phoneticallly?
