Thursday, March 17, 2011

Minnesota= Beard-tastic!

I recently went back home to Minnesota for spring break and I realized something... Minneapolis is not only the home to a large hipster population but home to many beards and various styles and amounts of facial hair!

At my favorite record store of all time, The Electric Fetus is home to some much local music, bongs and the smell of incense but they also have various different displays of whats "happening" in MN at the time and this month the theme is Mustaches!! Ok, I know this is not beards but it is facial hair and some women might love them some mustaches and I don't want to neglect possible mustached readers!

1 comment:

  1. Electric Fetus is an awesome name. And I can sort of be ok with mustaches. George Harrison, anyone?

    I mostly just wanted to comment to prove that I did not, in fact, quit the blog.
