Wednesday, February 9, 2011

StraightUpBeards Weekly Update

For my first posting I thought I would share a story of a young bearded fellow I recently saw on the bus.
As Asher Roth once stated with deep thought and elegance, "If everyone would please put their drink as high as they can, as high as they can and repeat after me chug! chug! chug! chug!...," and now I am asking all the bearded fellas to please put their beards in the air as high as they can, as high as they can... but don't chug your beard... you need that to survive! Anyways, one early morning on the 71A I noticed a particularly lovely beard sitting across the aisle from me. I mean, this was a NICE beard. Well maintained and a nice strawberry blonde color... and no, I didn't not get caught staring thank you very much!
Long story short, this bearded fella kept putting his hand over his beard on and off as the bus ride went on and then his eyes became very... shifty. Seeing as I don't know this person, there could have been a whole host of reasons why he was covering his beard with his hand. What I concluded was that maybe he was covering his beard because he was ashamed of it! My first thought was WHY WOULD YOU BE ASHAMED OF THAT MAGNIFICENT FLOW OF HAIR?! But really, to each is own and who knows why this shifty eyed bearded man was so very shifty.
In conclusion, I encourage all bearded ones and future bearded ones to be proud of their beards whatever shape they are in, whatever color or size because let's face it bearded men... women dig that beard your rocking so rock it like no one has ever rocked it before!



  1. See, my thought is that guys know chicks dig their beards. I guess only the survey will tell us for sure. Maybe this man was not ashamed of his beard, but simply couldn't keep his hands off of it. What was the strokability factor?

  2. Agreed, but this guy wasn't stroking his beard nor touching it, he was literally covering his beard with his hand! And I would give him a strokability grade of about 3.5-4, pretty strokable.

  3. I believe it is a 1-5 scale with 5 being the highest rating on the strokability scale

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